GeoPandas: paquete para agregar capacidades geoespaciales a pandas

GeoPandas es un proyecto de software libre que extiende los tipos de datos de pandas para incorporar objetos geométricos (puntos, líneas, polígonos, etc). GeoPandas se apoya en las bibliotecas Shapely para realizar las operaciones geométricas, Fiona para acceder a los datos (ej. en archivos) y Matplotlib para graficación.

El objetivo de GeoPandas es facilitar el trabajo con datos geoespaciales en el lenguaje Python, lo que se logra a través de la implementación de nuevas estructuras. Las dos estructuras principales de GeoPandas son:

  • GeoSeries: es un vector en el que cada elemento es un conjunto de una o varias geometrías correspondientes a una observación. Por ejemplo, el polígono (o multipolígono) que representa una provincia.

  • GeoDataFrame: es una estructura tabular (i.e. con filas y columnas) de datos geométricos y no geométricos (ej. textos, números). El conjunto de geometrías se implementa a través de GeoSeries.


En una estación de trabajo

geopandas puede instalarse tanto mediante Conda como mediante pip.

# Instalación mediante Conda
conda install geopandas

# Instalación mediante pip
pip install geopandas

En Google Colab

# Instalación de bibliotecas de GDAL para Python
!apt install gdal-bin python-gdal python3-gdal

# Instalación de r-tree
!apt install python3-rtree

# Instalación de GeoPandas
!pip install git+git://

# Instalación de Descartes
!pip install descartes


Para instalar contextily:

!conda install -c conda-forge contextily -y
import os
import requests
import zipfile

import pandas as pd

import geopandas as gpd
import contextily as cx
from geojson import dump
from owslib.wfs import WebFeatureService

import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Versión de geopandas

Operaciones básicas

read_file() - carga de datos

# Lectura de datos de países de Natural Earth

paises = gpd.read_file(gpd.datasets.get_path('naturalearth_lowres'))

pop_est continent name iso_a3 gdp_md_est geometry
0 920938 Oceania Fiji FJI 8374.0 MULTIPOLYGON (((180.00000 -16.06713, 180.00000...
1 53950935 Africa Tanzania TZA 150600.0 POLYGON ((33.90371 -0.95000, 34.07262 -1.05982...
2 603253 Africa W. Sahara ESH 906.5 POLYGON ((-8.66559 27.65643, -8.66512 27.58948...
3 35623680 North America Canada CAN 1674000.0 MULTIPOLYGON (((-122.84000 49.00000, -122.9742...
4 326625791 North America United States of America USA 18560000.0 MULTIPOLYGON (((-122.84000 49.00000, -120.0000...
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
172 7111024 Europe Serbia SRB 101800.0 POLYGON ((18.82982 45.90887, 18.82984 45.90888...
173 642550 Europe Montenegro MNE 10610.0 POLYGON ((20.07070 42.58863, 19.80161 42.50009...
174 1895250 Europe Kosovo -99 18490.0 POLYGON ((20.59025 41.85541, 20.52295 42.21787...
175 1218208 North America Trinidad and Tobago TTO 43570.0 POLYGON ((-61.68000 10.76000, -61.10500 10.890...
176 13026129 Africa S. Sudan SSD 20880.0 POLYGON ((30.83385 3.50917, 29.95350 4.17370, ...

177 rows × 6 columns

info() - información general sobre un conjunto de datos
<class 'geopandas.geodataframe.GeoDataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 177 entries, 0 to 176
Data columns (total 6 columns):
 #   Column      Non-Null Count  Dtype   
---  ------      --------------  -----   
 0   pop_est     177 non-null    int64   
 1   continent   177 non-null    object  
 2   name        177 non-null    object  
 3   iso_a3      177 non-null    object  
 4   gdp_md_est  177 non-null    float64 
 5   geometry    177 non-null    geometry
dtypes: float64(1), geometry(1), int64(1), object(3)
memory usage: 8.4+ KB

head(), tail(), sample() - despliegue de filas de un conjunto de datos

# Muestra de 10 filas
pop_est continent name iso_a3 gdp_md_est geometry
0 920938 Oceania Fiji FJI 8374.0 MULTIPOLYGON (((180.00000 -16.06713, 180.00000...
1 53950935 Africa Tanzania TZA 150600.0 POLYGON ((33.90371 -0.95000, 34.07262 -1.05982...
2 603253 Africa W. Sahara ESH 906.5 POLYGON ((-8.66559 27.65643, -8.66512 27.58948...
3 35623680 North America Canada CAN 1674000.0 MULTIPOLYGON (((-122.84000 49.00000, -122.9742...
4 326625791 North America United States of America USA 18560000.0 MULTIPOLYGON (((-122.84000 49.00000, -120.0000...
5 18556698 Asia Kazakhstan KAZ 460700.0 POLYGON ((87.35997 49.21498, 86.59878 48.54918...
6 29748859 Asia Uzbekistan UZB 202300.0 POLYGON ((55.96819 41.30864, 55.92892 44.99586...
7 6909701 Oceania Papua New Guinea PNG 28020.0 MULTIPOLYGON (((141.00021 -2.60015, 142.73525 ...
8 260580739 Asia Indonesia IDN 3028000.0 MULTIPOLYGON (((141.00021 -2.60015, 141.01706 ...
9 44293293 South America Argentina ARG 879400.0 MULTIPOLYGON (((-68.63401 -52.63637, -68.25000...

Selección de columnas

paises[["name", "pop_est"]]
name pop_est
0 Fiji 920938
1 Tanzania 53950935
2 W. Sahara 603253
3 Canada 35623680
4 United States of America 326625791
... ... ...
172 Serbia 7111024
173 Montenegro 642550
174 Kosovo 1895250
175 Trinidad and Tobago 1218208
176 S. Sudan 13026129

177 rows × 2 columns

Selección de filas

# Países con población estimada mayor o igual a mil millones
paises[paises["pop_est"] >= 1000000000]
pop_est continent name iso_a3 gdp_md_est geometry
98 1281935911 Asia India IND 8721000.0 POLYGON ((97.32711 28.26158, 97.40256 27.88254...
139 1379302771 Asia China CHN 21140000.0 MULTIPOLYGON (((109.47521 18.19770, 108.65521 ...

Selección de filas y columnas en la misma expresión

paises.loc[paises["pop_est"] >= 1000000000, ["name", "pop_est"]]
name pop_est
98 India 1281935911
139 China 1379302771

plot() - mapeo

# Mapa de coropletas

paises.plot(column = "pop_est", 
            figsize=(20, 20)
# Mapa de coropletas con leyenda

from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(20, 20))

divider = make_axes_locatable(ax)
cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.1)

paises.plot(column='pop_est', ax=ax, legend=True, cax=cax)
# Mapa con múltiples capas

ciudades = gpd.read_file(gpd.datasets.get_path('naturalearth_cities'))

base = paises.plot(color='white', edgecolor='black', figsize=(20, 20))
ciudades.plot(ax=base, marker='o', color='red', markersize=8)

Ejemplos de uso

Análisis de distribución de especies de murciélagos en Costa Rica

1. Obtención de datos

Registros de presencia de murciélagos
# Descarga de archivo CSV comprimido en ZIP mediante solicitud tipo GET
response = requests.get('', 
open('datos/', 'wb').write(response.content)

# Descompresión
with zipfile.ZipFile("datos/") as zipfile:
# Cambio de nombre del archivo CSV
os.rename("datos/0105729-210914110416597.csv", "datos/murcielagos.csv")
# Carga de registros de presencia de murciélagos en un dataframe

murcielagos = pd.read_csv("datos/murcielagos.csv", sep="\t")
gbifID datasetKey occurrenceID kingdom phylum class order family genus species ... identifiedBy dateIdentified license rightsHolder recordedBy typeStatus establishmentMeans lastInterpreted mediaType issue
0 3416142999 50c9509d-22c7-4a22-a47d-8c48425ef4a7 Animalia Chordata Mammalia Chiroptera Vespertilionidae Rhogeessa Rhogeessa io ... Yuzefovich Alexander 2021-11-15T14:33:49 CC_BY_NC_4_0 jo22nfrog jo22nfrog NaN NaN 2021-12-08T05:34:32.772Z StillImage COORDINATE_ROUNDED
1 3416092578 50c9509d-22c7-4a22-a47d-8c48425ef4a7 Animalia Chordata Mammalia Chiroptera Phyllostomidae Uroderma Uroderma bilobatum ... Merav Vonshak 2021-11-17T06:37:32 CC_BY_NC_4_0 Merav Vonshak Merav Vonshak NaN NaN 2021-12-08T06:09:54.326Z StillImage COORDINATE_ROUNDED
2 3415771696 50c9509d-22c7-4a22-a47d-8c48425ef4a7 Animalia Chordata Mammalia Chiroptera Phyllostomidae Artibeus Artibeus jamaicensis ... Yuzefovich Alexander 2021-07-27T06:38:03 CC_BY_NC_4_0 Alex Castelein Alex Castelein NaN NaN 2021-12-08T05:05:13.398Z StillImage COORDINATE_ROUNDED
3 3415765386 50c9509d-22c7-4a22-a47d-8c48425ef4a7 Animalia Chordata Mammalia Chiroptera Phyllostomidae Uroderma Uroderma bilobatum ... Jay 2019-12-17T22:12:20 CC_BY_NC_4_0 Jay Jay NaN NaN 2021-12-08T04:59:02.428Z StillImage COORDINATE_ROUNDED
4 3415753400 50c9509d-22c7-4a22-a47d-8c48425ef4a7 Animalia Chordata Mammalia Chiroptera Emballonuridae Rhynchonycteris Rhynchonycteris naso ... Jakob Fahr 2020-03-02T08:06:42 CC_BY_NC_4_0 Ben Zerante Ben Zerante NaN NaN 2021-12-08T05:48:47.800Z StillImage COORDINATE_ROUNDED
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
13184 45849434 847e2306-f762-11e1-a439-00145eb45e9a urn:catalog:LSUMZ:Mammals:12726 Animalia Chordata Mammalia Chiroptera Phyllostomidae Anoura Anoura geoffroyi ... NaN NaN CC0_1_0 NaN Gardner, Alfred L. NaN NATIVE 2021-12-02T03:54:15.435Z NaN INSTITUTION_COLLECTION_MISMATCH
13185 45849433 847e2306-f762-11e1-a439-00145eb45e9a urn:catalog:LSUMZ:Mammals:12725 Animalia Chordata Mammalia Chiroptera Phyllostomidae Anoura Anoura geoffroyi ... NaN NaN CC0_1_0 NaN Gardner, Alfred L. NaN NATIVE 2021-12-02T03:54:15.435Z NaN INSTITUTION_COLLECTION_MISMATCH
13186 45849432 847e2306-f762-11e1-a439-00145eb45e9a urn:catalog:LSUMZ:Mammals:12724 Animalia Chordata Mammalia Chiroptera Phyllostomidae Anoura Anoura geoffroyi ... NaN NaN CC0_1_0 NaN Gardner, Alfred L. NaN NATIVE 2021-12-02T03:54:15.437Z NaN INSTITUTION_COLLECTION_MISMATCH
13187 45849431 847e2306-f762-11e1-a439-00145eb45e9a urn:catalog:LSUMZ:Mammals:12723 Animalia Chordata Mammalia Chiroptera Phyllostomidae Anoura Anoura geoffroyi ... NaN NaN CC0_1_0 NaN Gardner, Alfred L. NaN NATIVE 2021-12-02T03:54:15.436Z NaN INSTITUTION_COLLECTION_MISMATCH
13188 45849415 847e2306-f762-11e1-a439-00145eb45e9a urn:catalog:LSUMZ:Mammals:10637 Animalia Chordata Mammalia Chiroptera Phyllostomidae Anoura Anoura geoffroyi ... NaN NaN CC0_1_0 NaN Arnold, Keith A. NaN NATIVE 2021-12-02T03:54:15.457Z NaN COORDINATE_REPROJECTED;INSTITUTION_COLLECTION_...

13189 rows × 50 columns

murcielagos = gpd.GeoDataFrame(murcielagos, geometry=gpd.points_from_xy(murcielagos.decimalLongitude, murcielagos.decimalLatitude))
murcielagos.plot(figsize=(20, 20))
Capas geoespaciales de Costa Rica
Áreas silvestres protegidas (ASP)
wfs = WebFeatureService(url='', version='1.1.0')

# Parámetros de la solicitud
params = dict(service='WFS',

# Solicitud
response = requests.Request("GET", "", params=params).prepare().url
# Leer datos del URL
asp = gpd.read_file(response)

asp.plot(figsize=(20, 20))

2. Visualización de todas las capas

# Mapa con todas las capas

base = asp.plot(color='white', edgecolor='green', figsize=(20, 20))
ax = murcielagos.plot(ax=base, marker='o', color='black', markersize=8)


3. Conteo de especies en cada polígono

# Join espacial de las capas de ASP y registros de presencia de murciélagos

asp_contains_murcielagos = asp.sjoin(murcielagos, how="inner", op="contains")
/home/mfvargas/miniconda3/envs/pf3311/lib/python3.10/site-packages/IPython/core/ FutureWarning: The `op` parameter is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use the `predicate` parameter instead.
  exec(code_obj, self.user_global_ns, self.user_ns)
/home/mfvargas/miniconda3/envs/pf3311/lib/python3.10/site-packages/geopandas/ UserWarning: CRS mismatch between the CRS of left geometries and the CRS of right geometries.
Use `to_crs()` to reproject one of the input geometries to match the CRS of the other.

Left CRS: EPSG:4326
Right CRS: None

  return geopandas.sjoin(left_df=self, right_df=df, *args, **kwargs)
<class 'geopandas.geodataframe.GeoDataFrame'>
Int64Index: 2221 entries, 13 to 170
Data columns (total 67 columns):
 #   Column                            Non-Null Count  Dtype   
---  ------                            --------------  -----   
 0   id                                2221 non-null   object  
 1   codigo                            2221 non-null   object  
 2   nombre_asp                        2221 non-null   object  
 3   cat_manejo                        2221 non-null   object  
 4   estatus                           2221 non-null   object  
 5   siglas_cat                        2221 non-null   object  
 6   nombre_ac                         2221 non-null   object  
 7   siglas_ac                         2221 non-null   object  
 8   descripcio                        2221 non-null   object  
 9   a_creacion                        2221 non-null   int64   
 10  n_creacion                        2221 non-null   object  
 11  normativa                         0 non-null      object  
 12  area                              2221 non-null   float64 
 13  area_km                           2221 non-null   float64 
 14  version                           2221 non-null   object  
 15  geometry                          2221 non-null   geometry
 16  index_right                       2221 non-null   int64   
 17  gbifID                            2221 non-null   int64   
 18  datasetKey                        2221 non-null   object  
 19  occurrenceID                      2170 non-null   object  
 20  kingdom                           2221 non-null   object  
 21  phylum                            2221 non-null   object  
 22  class                             2221 non-null   object  
 23  order                             2221 non-null   object  
 24  family                            2208 non-null   object  
 25  genus                             2206 non-null   object  
 26  species                           2145 non-null   object  
 27  infraspecificEpithet              327 non-null    object  
 28  taxonRank                         2221 non-null   object  
 29  scientificName                    2221 non-null   object  
 30  verbatimScientificName            2221 non-null   object  
 31  verbatimScientificNameAuthorship  766 non-null    object  
 32  countryCode                       2221 non-null   object  
 33  locality                          1921 non-null   object  
 34  stateProvince                     1912 non-null   object  
 35  occurrenceStatus                  2221 non-null   object  
 36  individualCount                   489 non-null    float64 
 37  publishingOrgKey                  2221 non-null   object  
 38  decimalLatitude                   2221 non-null   float64 
 39  decimalLongitude                  2221 non-null   float64 
 40  coordinateUncertaintyInMeters     1417 non-null   float64 
 41  coordinatePrecision               12 non-null     float64 
 42  elevation                         266 non-null    float64 
 43  elevationAccuracy                 236 non-null    float64 
 44  depth                             6 non-null      float64 
 45  depthAccuracy                     6 non-null      float64 
 46  eventDate                         2185 non-null   object  
 47  day                               2040 non-null   float64 
 48  month                             2184 non-null   float64 
 49  year                              2185 non-null   float64 
 50  taxonKey                          2221 non-null   int64   
 51  speciesKey                        2145 non-null   float64 
 52  basisOfRecord                     2221 non-null   object  
 53  institutionCode                   1913 non-null   object  
 54  collectionCode                    2055 non-null   object  
 55  catalogNumber                     2089 non-null   object  
 56  recordNumber                      953 non-null    object  
 57  identifiedBy                      600 non-null    object  
 58  dateIdentified                    556 non-null    object  
 59  license                           2221 non-null   object  
 60  rightsHolder                      659 non-null    object  
 61  recordedBy                        1998 non-null   object  
 62  typeStatus                        0 non-null      object  
 63  establishmentMeans                968 non-null    object  
 64  lastInterpreted                   2221 non-null   object  
 65  mediaType                         343 non-null    object  
 66  issue                             2137 non-null   object  
dtypes: float64(15), geometry(1), int64(4), object(47)
memory usage: 1.2+ MB
id codigo nombre_asp cat_manejo estatus siglas_cat nombre_ac siglas_ac descripcio a_creacion ... identifiedBy dateIdentified license rightsHolder recordedBy typeStatus establishmentMeans lastInterpreted mediaType issue
13 areas_silvestres_protegidas.14 H13 Humedal lacustrino Rio Canas Humedal Estatal HH Area de Conservacion Tempisque ACT Area terrestre protegida 1994 ... Kristina Yamamoto, Andrea Caiozzi-Cofre (MVZ) NaN CC_BY_NC_4_0 NaN MALAGA-A., A. NaN NaN 2021-12-02T04:04:03.547Z NaN GEODETIC_DATUM_ASSUMED_WGS84;BASIS_OF_RECORD_I...
13 areas_silvestres_protegidas.14 H13 Humedal lacustrino Rio Canas Humedal Estatal HH Area de Conservacion Tempisque ACT Area terrestre protegida 1994 ... Kristina Yamamoto, Andrea Caiozzi-Cofre (MVZ) NaN CC_BY_NC_4_0 NaN MALAGA-A., A. NaN NaN 2021-12-02T04:04:03.549Z NaN GEODETIC_DATUM_ASSUMED_WGS84;BASIS_OF_RECORD_I...
13 areas_silvestres_protegidas.14 H13 Humedal lacustrino Rio Canas Humedal Estatal HH Area de Conservacion Tempisque ACT Area terrestre protegida 1994 ... Kristina Yamamoto, Andrea Caiozzi-Cofre (MVZ) NaN CC_BY_NC_4_0 NaN MALAGA-A., A. NaN NaN 2021-12-02T04:04:03.548Z NaN GEODETIC_DATUM_ASSUMED_WGS84;BASIS_OF_RECORD_I...
13 areas_silvestres_protegidas.14 H13 Humedal lacustrino Rio Canas Humedal Estatal HH Area de Conservacion Tempisque ACT Area terrestre protegida 1994 ... Kristina Yamamoto, Andrea Caiozzi-Cofre (MVZ) NaN CC_BY_NC_4_0 NaN MALAGA-A., A. NaN NaN 2021-12-02T04:04:03.547Z NaN GEODETIC_DATUM_ASSUMED_WGS84;BASIS_OF_RECORD_I...
13 areas_silvestres_protegidas.14 H13 Humedal lacustrino Rio Canas Humedal Estatal HH Area de Conservacion Tempisque ACT Area terrestre protegida 1994 ... Kristina Yamamoto, Andrea Caiozzi-Cofre (MVZ) NaN CC_BY_NC_4_0 NaN MALAGA-A., A. NaN NaN 2021-12-02T04:04:03.548Z NaN GEODETIC_DATUM_ASSUMED_WGS84;BASIS_OF_RECORD_I...
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
170 areas_silvestres_protegidas.171 P18 Internacional La Amistad Parque Nacional Estatal PN Area de Conservacion La Amistad Pacifico ACLAP Area terrestre protegida 1982 ... NaN NaN CC_BY_4_0 Barcode of Life Datasystems NaN NaN NaN 2021-12-01T17:18:04.335Z NaN GEODETIC_DATUM_ASSUMED_WGS84
170 areas_silvestres_protegidas.171 P18 Internacional La Amistad Parque Nacional Estatal PN Area de Conservacion La Amistad Pacifico ACLAP Area terrestre protegida 1982 ... NaN NaN CC_BY_4_0 Barcode of Life Datasystems NaN NaN NaN 2021-12-01T17:19:01.362Z NaN GEODETIC_DATUM_ASSUMED_WGS84
170 areas_silvestres_protegidas.171 P18 Internacional La Amistad Parque Nacional Estatal PN Area de Conservacion La Amistad Pacifico ACLAP Area terrestre protegida 1982 ... NaN NaN CC_BY_4_0 Barcode of Life Datasystems NaN NaN NaN 2021-12-01T17:18:58.795Z NaN GEODETIC_DATUM_ASSUMED_WGS84
170 areas_silvestres_protegidas.171 P18 Internacional La Amistad Parque Nacional Estatal PN Area de Conservacion La Amistad Pacifico ACLAP Area terrestre protegida 1982 ... NaN NaN CC_BY_4_0 Barcode of Life Datasystems NaN NaN NaN 2021-12-01T17:19:49.491Z NaN GEODETIC_DATUM_ASSUMED_WGS84
170 areas_silvestres_protegidas.171 P18 Internacional La Amistad Parque Nacional Estatal PN Area de Conservacion La Amistad Pacifico ACLAP Area terrestre protegida 1982 ... NaN NaN CC_BY_4_0 NaN NaN NaN NaN 2021-12-02T15:35:03.172Z NaN GEODETIC_DATUM_ASSUMED_WGS84

2221 rows × 67 columns

asp_contains_murcielagos.plot(figsize=(20, 20))
# Conteo de especies en cada ASP
asp_count_especies = asp_contains_murcielagos.groupby("id").species.nunique()
asp_count_especies = asp_count_especies.reset_index() # para convertir la serie a dataframe

asp_count_especies.rename(columns = {'species': 'especies_murcielagos'}, inplace = True)

id especies_murcielagos
0 areas_silvestres_protegidas.101 2
1 areas_silvestres_protegidas.103 27
2 areas_silvestres_protegidas.107 1
3 areas_silvestres_protegidas.110 2
4 areas_silvestres_protegidas.121 31
5 areas_silvestres_protegidas.124 1
6 areas_silvestres_protegidas.132 1
7 areas_silvestres_protegidas.137 6
8 areas_silvestres_protegidas.139 1
9 areas_silvestres_protegidas.14 1
# Join para agregar la columna con el conteo a la capa de ASP
asp_especies = asp.join(asp_count_especies.set_index('id'), on='id', rsuffix='_b')
id codigo nombre_asp cat_manejo estatus siglas_cat nombre_ac siglas_ac descripcio a_creacion n_creacion normativa area area_km version geometry especies_murcielagos
0 areas_silvestres_protegidas.1 A01 Montes Submarinos Area Marina de Manejo Estatal AMM Marina Cocos ACMC Area Marina de Manejo 2011 DE_36452 None 9.592623e+09 9.592623e+07 2019-11-19-001 POLYGON ((-87.00000 6.13333, -86.43333 5.73333... NaN
1 areas_silvestres_protegidas.2 A02 Cabo Blanco Area Marina de Manejo Estatal AMM Area de Conservacion Tempisque ACT Area Marina de Manejo 1963 Ley_10 None 8.247806e+08 8.247806e+06 2019-11-19-001 POLYGON ((-85.14336 9.59649, -85.14332 9.59643... NaN
2 areas_silvestres_protegidas.3 B01 Alberto Manuel Brenes Reserva Biologica Estatal RB Area de Conservacion Central ACC Area terrestre protegida 1993 Ley_7354 None 7.800440e+07 7.800440e+05 2019-11-19-001 POLYGON ((-84.63388 10.18202, -84.64167 10.177... NaN
3 areas_silvestres_protegidas.4 B03 Isla Guayabo Reserva Biologica Estatal RB Area de Conservacion Tempisque ACT Isla 1973 DE_2858_A None 6.268092e+04 6.268092e+02 2019-11-19-001 POLYGON ((-84.87710 9.91109, -84.87737 9.91086... NaN
4 areas_silvestres_protegidas.5 B04 Isla Pajaros Reserva Biologica Estatal RB Area de Conservacion Pacifico Central ACOPAC Isla 1976 DE_ 5963_A None 3.211583e+04 3.211583e+02 2019-11-19-001 POLYGON ((-84.99674 10.09266, -84.99696 10.092... NaN
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
167 areas_silvestres_protegidas.168 Z31 Quebrada Rosario Zona Protectora Estatal ZP Area de Conservacion Central ACC Area terrestre protegida 1997 DE_ 26297_MINAE None 4.292695e+05 4.292695e+03 2019-11-19-001 POLYGON ((-84.07619 9.70425, -84.07689 9.70374... NaN
168 areas_silvestres_protegidas.169 P10 Santa Rosa Parque Nacional Estatal PN Area de Conservacion Guanacaste ACG Isla 1966 Ley_3694 None 3.230258e+06 3.230258e+04 2019-11-19-001 MULTIPOLYGON (((-85.87565 10.84304, -85.87571 ... NaN
169 areas_silvestres_protegidas.170 V25 Bahia Junquillal Refugio Nacional de Vida Silvestre Estatal RVS Area de Conservacion Guanacaste ACG Isla 1995 DE_ 23867_MIRENEM None 1.836792e+05 1.836792e+03 2021-08-20-001 MULTIPOLYGON (((-85.73360 10.95775, -85.73329 ... NaN
170 areas_silvestres_protegidas.171 P18 Internacional La Amistad Parque Nacional Estatal PN Area de Conservacion La Amistad Pacifico ACLAP Area terrestre protegida 1982 DE_13324_A None 1.982896e+09 1.982896e+07 2019-11-19-001 MULTIPOLYGON (((-82.85282 9.01273, -82.85414 9... 11.0
171 areas_silvestres_protegidas.172 B09 Bicentenario de la República - Pájaro Campana Reserva Biologica Estatal RB Area de Conservacion La Amistad Pacifico ACLAP Area terrestre protegida 2021 DE_42615_MINAE None 5.082743e+07 5.082743e+05 2021-08-21-001 POLYGON ((-82.77351 8.94507, -82.81050 8.95856... NaN

172 rows × 17 columns

# Mapeo

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(20, 20))

divider = make_axes_locatable(ax)
cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.1)

asp_especies.plot(column='especies_murcielagos', ax=ax, legend=True, cax=cax)

cx.add_basemap(ax,, source=cx.providers.Stamen.TonerLite)